Custom listing for Angelica O.
Scindapsus Hederaceus 1. Rooted plant. $10
Scindapsus Jade Satin Albo (low var.) 2. Top cutting with aerials. $5
Scindapsus Mount Salak/Gunung Salak 4. Rooted plant. $30
Scindapsus Platinum 5. Rooted plant. $12
Scindapsus Platinum NOID Glossy C. Mid cutting with aerials. $8
Scindapsus Silver Cloud A. Top cutting with aerials. $25
Scindapsus Silver Shield 4. Rooted plant. $20
TOTAL $110
Scindapsus Hederaceus 1. Rooted plant. $10
Scindapsus Jade Satin Albo (low var.) 2. Top cutting with aerials. $5
Scindapsus Mount Salak/Gunung Salak 4. Rooted plant. $30
Scindapsus Platinum 5. Rooted plant. $12
Scindapsus Platinum NOID Glossy C. Mid cutting with aerials. $8
Scindapsus Silver Cloud A. Top cutting with aerials. $25
Scindapsus Silver Shield 4. Rooted plant. $20
TOTAL $110
Scindapsus Hederaceus 1. Rooted plant. $10
Scindapsus Jade Satin Albo (low var.) 2. Top cutting with aerials. $5
Scindapsus Mount Salak/Gunung Salak 4. Rooted plant. $30
Scindapsus Platinum 5. Rooted plant. $12
Scindapsus Platinum NOID Glossy C. Mid cutting with aerials. $8
Scindapsus Silver Cloud A. Top cutting with aerials. $25
Scindapsus Silver Shield 4. Rooted plant. $20
TOTAL $110